CoGTex-2 : Views of Co-Expression from GTeX data.
CoGTex: A Co-Expression Platform from GTeX data.
SurvHotspots: An informative database for survival analysis of cancer hotspots.
PubTerm: A web-based annotation tool for PubMed articles, genes, or any other biomedical term. Paper on Databases.
SurvExpress: A web-based analysis of transcriptomic biomarkers in cancer. Paper on PLOS One.
HotspotsAnnotations: A web-based tool to annotate/visualize hotspots in cancer. Paper on Database.
SurvMicro: A web-based analysis of micro RNA expression biomarkers in cancer. (Server down). Paper on Bioinformatics.
GALGO: Genetic Algorithms for Optimization. An R package for generic search optimizations. Paper on Bioinformatics.
See Galgo on CRAN R packages. Galgo Tutorial.
Galgo source code on GitHub
GridMass: A MzMine add-on for peak detection (feature detection) in the analysis of metabolomics data. Paper on J on Mass Spectometry.
GridMass on MZMine 2, or MZMine 3.