![]() | 'Red' | For p-values < 1e-2 (The lowest level) |
![]() | +'Hot' | For p-values < 1e-4 |
![]() | +'Chili' | For p-values < 1e-6 |
![]() | +'Piquin' | For p-values < 1e-8 (The highest level) |
Gene | Aminoacid Position |
Mutations | p | Protein Alterations |
DNA Alterations |
Cancer Frequency |
Gene | Aminoacid Position |
Mutations | p | Protein Alterations |
DNA Alterations |
Cancer Frequency |
Gene | The official gene symbol. |
aaPos | Amino acid position. |
nMut | Total number of mutations in the hotspot. |
p | The p value of being a hotspot mutation under the Beta-Binomial model described and referred in the paper . |
q | The false discovery rate (FDR) correction of the p-value above. |
ProtMut | The aminoacid consequences of the mutations. |
Prot2Mut | The aminoacid consequences of the mutations (aa in 3 letter code). |
CanMut | The number of mutations per cancer type. |
ConseqMut | The consequence of the mutations. |
Hotness | a graphical representation of the p column from the Beta-Binomial model. |
StemStrength | The strength of the hairpin estimated for that hotspot under the hairpin model. |
SSLoopPos | Amino acid position. |
SSLoopLen | Amino acid position. |
Transcript | The transcript annotation used for aminoacid consequences and positions. |
SynSites | The number of synonymous sites estimated at the gene-level. |
NonSynSites | The number of non-synonymous sites estimated at the gene-level. |
MC.nsyn | The number of synonymous mutations used for Martincorena et al. Cell 2017. |
MC.nmis | The number of missense mutations used for Martincorena et al. Cell 2017. |
MC.nnon | The number of non-sense mutations used for Martincorena et al. Cell 2017. |
MC.nspl | The number of splicing mutations used for Martincorena et al. Cell 2017. |
MC.nind | The number of indel mutations used for Martincorena et al. Cell 2017. |
MC.wmiscv | The estimations of dN/dS for missense mutations from Martincorena et al. Cell 2017. |
MC.wnoncv | The estimations of dN/dS for non-sense mutations from Martincorena et al. Cell 2017. |
MC.wsplcv | The estimations of dN/dS for splicing mutations from Martincorena et al. Cell 2017. |
MC.windcv | The estimations of dN/dS for indel mutations from Martincorena et al. Cell 2017. |
MC.pmiscv | The p-value of dN/dS for missense mutations from Martincorena et al. Cell 2017. |
MC.ptrunccv | The p-value of dN/dS for non-sense mutations from Martincorena et al. Cell 2017. |
MC.pallsubscv | The p-value of dN/dS for splicing mutations from Martincorena et al. Cell 2017. |
MC.pindcv | The p-value of dN/dS for indel mutations from Martincorena et al. Cell 2017. |
MC.qmiscv | The q-value of dN/dS for missense mutations from Martincorena et al. Cell 2017. |
MC.qtrunccv | The q-value of dN/dS for non-sense mutations from Martincorena et al. Cell 2017. |
MC.qallsubscv | The q-value of dN/dS for splicing mutations from Martincorena et al. Cell 2017. |
MC.pglobalcv | The global p-value of dN/dS from Martincorena et al. Cell 2017. |
MC.qglobalcv | The global q-value of dN/dS from Martincorena et al. Cell 2017. |
Community Notes | The total number of notes added by users. |