HotSpotsAnnotations - Cancer HotSpots Database

HotSpots in cancer refer to protein and DNA sites recurrently mutated across patients.

This database was estimated from a collection of 3,175,929 mutations derived from 33 cancer types and 10,182 patients from TCGA data.
To estimate the probability of observing a hotspot, a mixed Beta-Binomial and fixed effect model was first fitted to the distribution of mutation occurrences per protein site. Then the beta-binomial model was used to estimate the probability of observing recurrent sites, which were then corrected by FDR. For explorative purposes, only those sites having q FDR < 0.01 or at least 7 mutations are listed in the 'HotSpots' tab.

To aid the exploration, each site was assigned to 4 levels:
'Red'For p-values < 1e-2 (The lowest level)
+'Hot'For p-values < 1e-4
+'Chili'For p-values < 1e-6
+'Piquin'For p-values < 1e-8 (The highest level)

'Chile Piquin' is a special kind of tiny but very hot and tasty chili that seems to be originated in Mexico. It is quite famous in the north of Mexico, in particular in Monterrey where it is rarely found in commodity stores but commonly sold in the streets by countryside or city surroundings people.
The shape, color, and strong spicy flavor of Piquin inspired their use as a mutation HotSpot marker.

Images taken from El Gráfico and EXPRESO.
These hotspots were generated by a beta-binomial model with fixed effects, then filtered by FDR q-value < 0.01 or mutations >= 7.
Choose a row from the below table to access the detail view or click the '+' sign to show more options.

Gene Aminoacid
Mutations p Protein
This page contains all 'raw' detected spots having 4 or more occurrences (23,198). Click load button to confirm. It may take some seconds.
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Gene Aminoacid
Mutations p Protein
The information about the columns shown in both tables for PUTATIVE HOTSPOTS are:
Gene The official gene symbol.
aaPos Amino acid position.
nMut Total number of mutations in the hotspot.
p The p value of being a hotspot mutation under the Beta-Binomial model described and referred in the paper .
q The false discovery rate (FDR) correction of the p-value above.
ProtMut The aminoacid consequences of the mutations.
Prot2Mut The aminoacid consequences of the mutations (aa in 3 letter code).
CanMut The number of mutations per cancer type.
ConseqMut The consequence of the mutations.
Hotness a graphical representation of the p column from the Beta-Binomial model.
StemStrength The strength of the hairpin estimated for that hotspot under the hairpin model.
SSLoopPos Amino acid position.
SSLoopLen Amino acid position.
Transcript The transcript annotation used for aminoacid consequences and positions.
SynSites The number of synonymous sites estimated at the gene-level.
NonSynSites The number of non-synonymous sites estimated at the gene-level.
MC.nsyn The number of synonymous mutations used for Martincorena et al. Cell 2017.
MC.nmis The number of missense mutations used for Martincorena et al. Cell 2017.
MC.nnon The number of non-sense mutations used for Martincorena et al. Cell 2017.
MC.nspl The number of splicing mutations used for Martincorena et al. Cell 2017.
MC.nind The number of indel mutations used for Martincorena et al. Cell 2017.
MC.wmiscv The estimations of dN/dS for missense mutations from Martincorena et al. Cell 2017.
MC.wnoncv The estimations of dN/dS for non-sense mutations from Martincorena et al. Cell 2017.
MC.wsplcv The estimations of dN/dS for splicing mutations from Martincorena et al. Cell 2017.
MC.windcv The estimations of dN/dS for indel mutations from Martincorena et al. Cell 2017.
MC.pmiscv The p-value of dN/dS for missense mutations from Martincorena et al. Cell 2017.
MC.ptrunccv The p-value of dN/dS for non-sense mutations from Martincorena et al. Cell 2017.
MC.pallsubscv The p-value of dN/dS for splicing mutations from Martincorena et al. Cell 2017.
MC.pindcv The p-value of dN/dS for indel mutations from Martincorena et al. Cell 2017.
MC.qmiscv The q-value of dN/dS for missense mutations from Martincorena et al. Cell 2017.
MC.qtrunccv The q-value of dN/dS for non-sense mutations from Martincorena et al. Cell 2017.
MC.qallsubscv The q-value of dN/dS for splicing mutations from Martincorena et al. Cell 2017.
MC.pglobalcv The global p-value of dN/dS from Martincorena et al. Cell 2017.
MC.qglobalcv The global q-value of dN/dS from Martincorena et al. Cell 2017.
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